The Gap Between Mediocre and Mastery Is One Word

Roy Landers
3 min readJul 17, 2021


Read this article to find out what it is…

Image by the author — Canva

So many people are stuck in jobs and careers they hate but they’re either too comfortable, afraid, or just don’t know what to do in order to break out of the thing that they dread everything day.

So many wake up every morning and instead of looking forward to a day of excitement, joy, and ready to embrace challenges, they stumble through another day that just plain sucks.

I hope this isn’t the state of your present existence, but if it is there is a way out.

If you’re not doing what you want to do or earning the income you know you deserve and just hanging on day by day, there is one word that changes everything, and putting it into action will change your life into anything you desire it to be.

Implementation is the word

The biggest difference between average income and financial freedom is IMPLEMENTATION.

The difference between the haves and have nots is IMPLEMENTATION.

The key to being happier rather than just living a sad existence is IMPLEMENTATION.

The dictionary describes Implementation as the process of making something active or effective.

It is the execution of a plan, process, or policy, and therein lies the secret and the power of this word and why it is such a difference-maker in anyone’s life.

Everything a person wants or desires is within reach if there is a plan in place or system created to follow that ultimately leads to a clearly identified goal.

However, nothing happens unless that plan or system is implemented. It takes action and sometimes massive action but without active implementation, nothing will happen.

Image by the author — Canva

When it comes to getting things done in business, implementation is one of the biggest problems I see with most businesses, small or large. This is especially so in getting things done promptly.

If your goal or desire for your business, or your life, is to rise above average or just getting by, you must do everything possible to decrease the time-lapse between having a good idea and implementation of that idea.

You must take massive action and be consistent if you want to be more than a loser or just be average. T

his will avoid a competitor beating you to the punch or your getting distracted with shiny objects and losing the financial freedom race to a competitor that is much slower or less qualified than you but still they beat you to the finish line.

It’s because they implement. You see, it’s not always the wisest, most intelligent, or smartest person that excels. It’s the person who will plan and then implement that plan no matter what it takes.

To stay on top and reach your finish line the shorter the time between an idea and its implementation, the better.

Now you know the one word that makes a difference between Mediocre and Mastery.

What’s stopping you from getting the things you want or doing the things you really want to do?




Roy Landers

Business attorney, entrepreneur, content marketer, and published author. I help you communicate your marketing message and generate sales.